Wilson, Greg

The Metanarrative of Consequences in the Pragmatismof Charles Pierce

Paper presented at the 48th Annal Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (Phoenix, AZ, March 12-15, 1997).
, 8
"This paper proposes that elements of pragmatist philosophy are anti-rhetorical and encourage a cultural status quo. It tries to isolate the idiosyncratic meaning of the vocabulary that Peirce uses in the foundational definition of pragmatism and shows how his reliance on logic forestalls possibilities for agency. Antonio Gramsci's idea of the organicintellectual is used to look for a way out of the over-determined structure that Peirce establishes...."
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Wilson, Greg
Pierce, Charles
Intellettuali Organici
Pierce, Charles
Intellectuals organic