Wiatr, Jerzy J. - Melchior, Ludmila

Why Do We Repent? The Responsibility of Marxists

fa parte di Socialism and Democracy , 9 , Fall-Winter, 1989 , 27-33
«(Originally published in Polityka, 1989, Feb.) A discussion of the theoretical aspects of de-Stalinization in Poland & Eastern Europe generally. A new analysis of G. W. F. Hegel, Karl Marx, & Antonio Gramsci on the concept of civil society is needed to theoretically overcome monocentric implications of Leninist political theory....».
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Wiatr, Jerzy J.
[author] Melchior, Ludmila
Socialismo Reale
Società Civile
Socialism, "real"
Civil society