Warren, Carol VincentSimon

Becoming a "better parent"? Motherhood, education and transition

fa parte di British Journal of Sociology of Education , 19 , 2 , June, 1998 , 177-93
The focus of this paper is a parent education group, offering parents an accredited practical skills course, which aims to familiarise them with educational activities suitable for young children. «The theoretical framework for the researchtakes Antonio Gramsci's work as its starting point, and his consideration of the way in which particular values, beliefs and attitudes become accepted and gain hegemonic status... Gramsci emphasized the processes by which the "spontaneous" or "active" consent of subaltern social groups is won to particular manifestations of the status quo, despite the social, cultural and political ineqities embodied therein... professionals command a key role in this process, disseminating values and ideas, through "their partial propounding of how things are and why" (Holub, 1992)».
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Warren, Carol VincentSimon
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Donne, Maternità
Senso Comune
Women motherhood
Common sense