Valiani, Leo

La storiografia italiana sul periodo 1879-1915

Nuova ed. riv. e agg.
fa parte di Id., Questioni di storia del socialismo Torino: Einaudi, 1975 , pp. 280 - 402
Esp. pp. 298-316: «Il problema della rivoluzione in Gramsci».
This second edition of the book has been thoroughly updated and revised. «An acute analysis of the relationship between historiography and politics in Gramsci's notes on the Risorgimento. States that Gramsci did not put the Risorgimento "on trial," as did A. Oriani. He did not criticize Cavour's leadership but rather the truncated radicalism or Jacobinism of Mazzini's Party of Action...». (M.B.).
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Valiani, Leo