Tooze, Roger

The After-Shock of the "Neo": Agendas of IPE and IR

fa parte di Review of International Political Economy , III , 1 , Spring, 1996 , 194-204
A review essay on books edited by: Stephen Gill, Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations (1993); and Ronen P. Palan & Barry Gills, Transcending the State-Global Divide: A Neostructuralist Agenda in International Relations London & Boulder: Lynne Rieener Pub., 1994).«Gill's book offers 4 chapters on key aspects of Gramscian thought & on US policy toward the Third World, global hegemonies, Soviet socialism & passive revolution, global governance, & the future of Europe. The argument is clear: a reconstructed historical materialist analysis of IR/IPE developed from Gramscian concepts provides one way forward from the contemporary crisis of neorealism/neoliberalism....».
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Tooze, Roger
Relazioni Internazionali
International relations