Togliatti, Palmiro

[Lettera testimonianza a Giansiro Ferrata sullo scambio epistolare Gramsci-Togliatti nell'ottobre 1926]

fa parte di Rinascita , 22 , May 30, 1964 , 17-18
This letter of February 26, 1964, is the introduction to Gramsci's letter of October 1926 to the CPUSSR. Togliatti's reply of the same month is published here for the first time. This letter of 1964 was also published in the appendix to A. Gramsci, 2000 pagine di Gramsci (1964), pp.827-28.
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Togliatti, Palmiro
Lettera al CC del Pcus 1926
Letter of 1926 to the Central Committee of the CPUssr