Togliatti, Palmiro

Pamjati Antonio Gramši: Rec' na internacional'nom vecere 27 maja 1937g., posvjascennom pamjati vozdja kompartii Italii tov. Gramši In memory of Antonio Gramsci: A speech at the international memorial meeting of May 27, 1937, dedicated to the memory of the leader of the Communist Party of Italy comrade Gramsci

Moscow: CK MOPR SSSR, 1937, 24 p.
The article is signed M. Ercoli. Michele Pistillo, after noting this entry, observed that this speech was unknown in Italy. See now Pistillo's introduction to the speech in «Critica marxista», 6 (1991). The speech itself was translated by Serena Daniele and is in the same issue of the journal.
Lingua rus
Nomi [author] Togliatti, Palmiro
Biografia, Morte
Biography death