Szabó, Tibor

A huszas évek vitáihoz. Gramsci és Togliatti levélváltása 1926-ban [Contributions to the polemics of the 1920s. The Gramsci-Togliatti letters of 1926]

fa parte di Mozgó Világ , 11 , 1987 , 30-44
Lingua hun
Nomi [author] Szabó, Tibor
Togliatti, P. tra il 1926 e il 1944
Partito Comunista Unione Sovietica
Biografia, Carcere
Pcdi 1926
Lettera al CC del Pcus 1926
Togliatti, P. from 1926
Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International)
Communist Party USSR
Biography prison
Letter of 1926 to the Central Committee of the CPUssr