Stipcevic, Niksa

Gramsci e i problemi letterari

[Translated by S. Turconi.]
Milano: Mursia, 1968, 203
Selections from pp. 49-58 and 169-78 are reprinted in Antonio Gramsci: Critica letteraria e linguistica. Ed. R. Paternostro (1998), pp. 215-18; 218-22.
«An informative book which covers the whole range of Gramsci's interests in the field of literature which he tries to connect to a general vision of the world» (M.B.).
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Stipcevic, Niksa
[traduttore] Turconi, S.
Letteratura, Critica Sociologica della
Croce, Benedetto
De Sanctis, Francesco
Literature criticism sociology
Croce, Benedetto
De Sanctis, Francesco
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