Rosselli, Carlo

Croce e "L'Ordine Nuovo"

fa parte di Giustizia e Libertà , 3 , 8 , 21 febbraio 1936 , pp. 3
The article is signed "Rosso". Here he publishes a letter of clarification by a "friendly reader" [Alfonso Leonetti] of Rosselli's article of January 31. Leonetti asserts that Croce's visit to "Ordine nuovo" occurred «in the summer of 1922, just before the March on Rome. Gramsci was then in Russia as representative of the Pci. Croce came to the newspaper to see Calosso who was then a reporter with us at Ordine Nuovo».
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Rosselli, Carlo
Croce, Benedetto
Ordine Nuovo
Croce, Benedetto
Ordine Nuovo