Morgan, John W.

Glasnost, Civil Society, and the Socialist Project for a Human Society

fa parte di Dianoia. A Liberal Arts Interdisciplinary Journal , 2 , 1 , Spring, 1991 , pp. 63 - 83
"Critiques the ideas underpinning Mikhail Gorbachev's evolving perestroika for promoting a new class ascendancy in the USSR. The key ideas behind the ongoing socialist reformation (including Antonio Gramsci's interpretation of Hegel's moments of civil society & Habermas's account of the lifeworld) are dissected. It is argued that a new class of Soviet professionals & technically inclined intelligentsia seeks to organize a civil society built on the ethos of professionalism...." E. Blackwell.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Morgan, John W.
Unione delle repubbliche socialiste sovietiche (Urss)
Società Civile
Elites Professionali
GorbaÄ�ëv, Michail SergeeviÄ�
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Ussr)
Civil society
Elites professional
Gorbachev Mikhail