Mondal, Parthasarathi

Beyond Orthodoxy: The Contributions of Gramscian Thought

fa parte di Indian Journal of Social Science , VIII , 2 , April-June, 1995 , pp. 111 - 138
«The life & work of Italian Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci are outlined. Focus is on his career from 1914-1934, which is divided into the formative period & the prison period. Gramsci's central concerns included: the proletarian revolution, the emergence of organic intellectuals & a proletarian consciousness, crises of liberal states, the role & structure of the revolutionary party, & the refinement of Marxist methodology. In his formative period, he demonstrated his emphasis on the role of human thought & volition in revolution. Yet, this emphasis led to his neglect of the complexity of structural conditions. During his prison period, Gramsci developed his notion of hegemony. The problems in Gramsci's methodological synthesis of a philosophy of praxis are noted, relating them to the basic Marxist dilemma in merging theory with practice. Despite such problems, it is suggested that Gramsci's thought has much to offer in considering the future of India's Left.» (DL).
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Mondal, Parthasarathi
Attualità 1995
All'Estero: India
actuality 1995
Abroad, India