Losito, Marta - Segre, Sandro - Nunez, Rosamaria

Acerca de la relacion entre la sociologia italiana y el fascismo (1928-1945)

fa parte di Estudios sociologicos , VI , 18 , September-December, 1988 , 491-516
«During 1920-1945, the fascist regime had a reciprocal relationship with Italian sociology, wherein the regime influenced both the content & reception of ideas, & the sociologists explained the phenomena of fascism. Here, the sociological writings of Antonio Gramsci, Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto, & Roberto Michels are reconstructed, & the reaction of other intellectuals - -sympathetic & opposed to the fascist regime these authors are discussed. The ideological & political repressiveness of fascism was clear in the censorship of Gramsci' work until the end of WWII, since Gramsci opposed fascism. Mosca's early works were heavily used by the fascists, but his later work influenced the opposition. However, the ideological uses & abuses of the concepts expressed by these social scientists did not imply any failing from a scientific viewpoint; to their credit, concepts such as "political class" (Mosca) & "circulation of elites" (Pareto) have been built on bysociologists today.».
Lingua spa
Nomi [author] Losito, Marta
[author] Segre, Sandro
[author] Nunez, Rosamaria
Mosca, Gaetano
Pareto, Vilfredo
Michels, Robert
Mosca, Gaetano
Pareto, Vilfredo
Michels, Robert