Landy, Marcia - Shostak, Stanley

Postmodernism as Folklore in Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema

fa parte di Rethinking Marxism , VI , 2 , Summer, 1993 , 25-45
A later version of this essay is Chapter 7 in her book Film, Politics and Gramsci (1996)."Common sense as folklore has pervaded representations of science & scientists in science fiction films since the 1930s. The writings of Antonio Gramsci on common-sense provide a context for an assessment of the workings of popular & mass culture in relation to the contradictory cultural position of the scientists, & of the problematic nature of how scientific knowledge circulates in the culture...."
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Landy, Marcia
[author] Shostak, Stanley
Cinema (Arte)
Senso Comune
Cultura Popolare
Science fiction
Common sense
Popular culture