Haug, Wolfgang Fritz - Jehle, Peter


fa parte di Das Argument , XXXIII , 1 , January-February, 1991 , 1-2
Introduction to the partial special issue «Gramsci und die Zivilgesellschaft» (articles by Buttigieg, Showstack Sassoon, Demirovic, and Boothman). This is followed by Valentino Gerratana's introduction to the first volume of the German edition of the Quaderni: Gefängnishefte, Kritische Gesamtausgabe Band I (Heft 1). Hamburg & Berlin: Argument Verlag, 1991. There follows a German translation, by W.F. Haug,of the first pages of Quaderno 8: «Note sparse e appunti per una storia degli intellettuali italiani.».
Lingua deu
Nomi [author] Haug, Wolfgang Fritz
[author] Jehle, Peter