Harman, Chris

Gramsci versus Eurocommunism

fa parte di International Socialism , 98-99 , 1977

This article first appeared in two parts in the first series of International socialism in 1977. This was at the time when the Italian, Spanish and British Communist Party (then called the CPGB) all accepted “Eurocommunist” positions which involved embracing a non-revolutionary approach to socialism. In the case of the Italian Communists this meant supporting in parliament a Christian Democrat Tory government… The majority of the British party came to be identified, through their magazine Marxism Today with policies to the right of most of the Labour Party left, quoting Gramsci copiously to back their position. The articles later appeared with a brief introduction as a pamphlet, Gramsci versus Reformism. (From International Socialism journal).

Available online: Gramsci versus Eurocommunism (Accessed December 12, 2016)

Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Harman, Chris