Grelle, Bruce

Christian Political Ethics and Western Marxism

fa parte di Journal of Religious Ethics , 2 , 1987 , 173-98
Distinguishes Gramsci in some ways from the Frankfurt school in the tradition of "Western Marxism." Analyzes why this tradition has been widely appropriated by contemporary Christian political thought. There has been a shift from traditional Marxism toward «a concern with the politics of consciousness,...the role of intellectuals,..and the theorization of domination in advanced capitalist societies. These are concerns that serve as a bridge between Western Marxism and the Christian political ethics of such writers as José Miguez Bonino, Cornel West, and Charles Davis....».
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Grelle, Bruce
Teologia Della Liberazione
Politica, Teoria Della
Marxismo Occidentale
Miguez Bonino, José
West, Cornel
Davis, Charles
Theology of liberation
Catholicism (or Catholics)
Political theory
Marxism Western
Miguez Bonino, José
West, Cornel
Davis, Charles