Giglioli, Giovanna

Bloque historico y hegemonía en Antonio Gramsci

fa parte di Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica , XXXII , 78-79 , December, 1994 , 253-85
«Antonio Gramsci's social theory is presented in its historical context: the political & ideological environment of Italy 1920-1975. Gramsci's analytical categories & political proposals, initiated in the 1920s, still have meaning for contemporary Third World crises & problems. Gramsci's writing stands out from the vast majority of other Marxist texts of the time because of its intelligent & rigorous analysis of reality. Concepts such as historical block, hegemony, & civil society elements of a totality,... In this analysis, these elements are distinguished as distinct facets & moments of the dynamic of present-day capitalism».
Lingua spa
Nomi [author] Giglioli, Giovanna
Blocco Storico
Società Civile
Historical bloc
Civil society