Gedö, András - Riser, John

Gramsci's Path Through the Tension between "Absolute Historicism" and Materialist Dialectics: Marxism as Historical Philosophy

fa parte di Nature, Society, and Thought , VI , 1 , January, 1993 , 7-40
«... Gramsci was a Leninist rooted in the Italian political-philosophical culture whose concept of historical dialectics evolved from a Croce an idealistic historicism to a materialist dialectics. In Italy, Gramsci's ideas were first approved, then criticized by Benedetto Croce, dominated the Italian Marxist movement in the 1960s, & were often misinterpreted as idealist. Outside Italy, Gramsci was placed in the tradition of nonmaterialist Marxism. It is concluded that with the defeat of Marxism, Gramsci's concept of history is very relevant today.».
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Gedö, András
[author] Riser, John
All'Estero: Generale
Croce, Benedetto
Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i� Ul'janov, detto
Abroad (General)
Croce, Benedetto
Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i� Ul'janov, detto