Gareau, Frederick H.

International Institutions and the Gramscian Legacy: Its Modification, Expansion, and Reaffirmation

fa parte di Social Science Journal , 33 , 2 , April, 1996 , 223-35
«The Gramscian legacy for analyzing international institutions is modified & expanded to confirm its value. The legacy has performed yeoman's service as a paradigm for national governments, generally considered to be the masters of international institutions, & has correctly viewed these institutions as the legitimizers of the existing hegemony. Antonio Gramsci did not, however, acknowledge that they can just as easily delegitimize the ongoing hegemony. This deficiency is rectified by expanding the Gramsci model; the legitimizing function is presented as a dynamic process, a dialectic between institutions & audience, not a static concept...».
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Gareau, Frederick H.
Relazioni Internazionali
International relations