Fontana, Benedetto

The Concept of nature in Gramsci

fa parte di The Philosophical Forum , XXVII , 3 , Spring, 1996 , 220-43
«Implicit in Gramsci's conception of politics - -central to which is the notion of hegemony - -is a particular understanding of the natural and the material, non-human world. Five major strands or ideas regarding nature and the natural maybe discerned in Gramsci's work.... Although each is clearly delineated from the others, all are interwoven in such a way as to underline the importance of politics and hegemony, and they serve to channel and focus Gramsci's conceptual and theoretical energy toward his overriding project - -the transformation of reality, or, as he puts it, "creare il reale".»Reprinted in Antonio Gramsci: Critical Assessments (2002), v. II.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Fontana, Benedetto
Mondo Esterno, realtà del
External world, reality of