Fields, Gary

The Road from Gdansk; How Solidarity Found Haven in the Marketplace

fa parte di Monthly Review , XLIII , 3 , July-August, 1991 , pp. 95 - 121
«Undoubtedly the most poignant observer of this process[breakdown of industrial legality] was Antonio Gramsci who was perhaps the first to develop a comprehensive theory on the relationship between industrial legality and the institutional behavior of trade unionism.» (p.66)This theory would be applicable to the history of the CIO in theUsa (p.67).Cf. also pp.100-02 on Gramsci.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Fields, Gary
Classe Operaia
All'Estero: Usa
Legalità Industriale
Studi di caso
Working class
Abroad, USA
Industrial legality