Di Meo, Antonio

Gramsci nel mondo arabo

fa parte di IG Informazioni , III , 1 , 1991 , pp. 9 - 12
An account of the International Conference held in Cairo (Nov. 24-26, 1989), at the Arab Research Center. A discussion was held on «Arab civil society in the light of Gramscism.» Twenty-five persons gave papers, among them 10 women. They were from 7 different countries (Algeria, Sudan, Tunisia, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, and Egypt). Among the themes discussed were civil society, hegemony, political society, passive revolution, the traditional and the organic intellectual and popular culture. Cf. Gramshi-wa qadaya... (1991).
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Di Meo, Antonio
All'Estero: Paesi Arabi e del Medio Oriente
Medio Oriente
Società Civile
Abroad Arab World and Middle East
Middle East
Civil society