Devinatz, Victor Gary

"Instead of Leaders They Have Become Bankers of Men": Gramsci's Alternative to the U.S. Neoinstitutionalists' Theory of Trade-Union Bureaucratization

fa parte di Nature, Society, and Thought , 8 , 4 , October, 1995 , 381-404
"Compares the commonly accepted US neoinstitutionalist theory of trade union bureaucratization with the theory of Antonio Gramsci (e.g., 1977). Neoinstitutionalist industrial relations scholars have constructed a highly deterministic, unidirectional, & linear theory emphasizing the importance of the internal union processes that lead to bureaucratization. Asan alternative, Gramsci's theory stresses that trade union bureaucratization is the result of a multiplicity of factors, both internal & external to the union, & that bureaucratization arises as a result of the contradictions of capitalist society that pull the unions in conflicting directions. Empirical evidence supporting Gramsci's theory is presented,..."
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Devinatz, Victor Gary
Trade unions