De Grand, Alexander

In Stalin's Shadow: Angelo Tasca and the Crisis of the Left in Italy and France, 1910-1945

Dekalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 1986
pp. 15-46; 120
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] De Grand, Alexander
Tasca, Angelo
Pcdi (Partito comunista d'Italia) (1921-1943)
Partito Socialista Italiano
Svolta 1930
Togliatti, P. prima del 1925
Togliatti, P. tra il 1926 e il 1944
Tasca, Angelo
PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943)
Psi (Italian Socialist Party)
Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International)
Svolta 1930 (turning point)
Togliatti, P. until 1925
Togliatti, P. from 1926