Bordiga, Amadeo

Una intervista ad Amadeo Bordiga

[Edited by Edek Osser]
fa parte di Storia contemporanea , 4 , September, 1973 , pp. 569 - 592
An interview done in the Summer of 1970, a few months before Bordiga's death. This is B.'s written reply to 23 questions regarding the years from 1917 to 1926. Bordiga was also in a television program done by Osser and others called «Nascita di una dittatura» and which finally appeared in November, 1972 (printed in Sergio Zavoli, con la collaborazione di Edek Osser e Luciano Onder, Nascita di una dittatura, prefazione di Renzo De Felice, Torino, SEI).
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Bordiga, Amadeo
[curatore] Osser, Edek
Pcdi (Partito comunista d'Italia) (1921-1943)
Gobetti, Piero
PcdI, Congresso 3 (Lione) 1926
PcdI (Communist Party of Italy) (1921-1943)
Comintern (or Communist International, or Third International)
Gobetti, Piero
Pcdi Congress 3 (Lyon, France) 1926