Bernardi Guardi, Mario

Sorel e Gobetti

fa parte di La Torre , 45; 46 , January, 1974; February, 1974 , pp. 15 - 17
«In the complex work of intellectual education and moral regeneration promoted by Gobetti we note a temperament and a reality undoubtedly influenced by Sorel. Likewise, the religious, irrationalistic, and populistic heredity of revolutionary syndicalism is to be found in Gobetti's particular interest in the phenomenon of Bolshevism, the historical meaning of the Russian Revolution, Gramsci's ideology of the factory council movement and Turin's "Ordine nuovo" group» (Bergami, Bibliog. Gobetti).
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Bernardi Guardi, Mario
Sorel, Georges
Gobetti, Piero
Ordine Nuovo
Sorel, Georges
Gobetti, Piero
Ordine-Nuovo (Many, if not all, of these entries refer to the Ordine Nuovo weekly of 1919-1920