Bergesen, Albert

The Rise of Semiotic Marxism

fa parte di Sociological Perspectives , XXXVI , 1 , Spring, 1993 , 1-22
«Identifies four distinct stages (represented by the work of Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, N. Poulanzas, & E. Laclau/C. Mouffe, respectively) in the emergence of a new direction in Marxian theory - "semiotic Marxism" - since the 1930s. Its central assumption is a reversal of the classic base/superstructure logic of determinate relations between the economic base & the political & ideological superstructure....».
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Bergesen, Albert
Marxismo E Semiotica
Base Superstruttura
Marxism semiotic
Base superstructure