Baker, Gideon

From Structuralism to Voluntarism: The Latin American Left and the Discourse on Civil Society and Democracy

fa parte di Contemporary Politics , IV , 4 , December, 1998 , 391-411
«...Particularly in their discovery of Gramsci, sections of the Latin American Left turned from a pejorative to a positive account of civil society. It came to denote a space for more direct and participatory forms of democracy, and was also understood as an arena for the construction of popular counter-hegemony. Unlike Gramsci, however, these leftists came to see self-organization in civil society as an end in itself.... Consequently this new conception of civil society fell prey to extreme voluntarism».
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] Baker, Gideon
Società Civile
All'Estero: America Latina
Egemonia, Contro
Civil society
Abroad, Latin America
Hegemony counter