Asor Rosa, Alberto

Scrittori e popolo

Saggio sulla letteratura populista in Italia
Roma: Samonà e Savelli, 1965, xviii, 364
Third edition, Turin: Einaudi, 1988. Selections from pp. 212-22 are reprinted in Antonio Gramsci: Critica letteraria e linguistica. Ed. R. Paternostro (1998), pp.187-91. «The author presents a "critique on behalf of the working class" of the "ideological elements" of populism in the literary tradition of the 19th-20th centuries. He polemically emphasizes the theoretical ties which bind Gramsci's "national-popular" thought to Vincenzo Gioberti...». (M.B.).
Lingua ita
Nomi [author] Asor Rosa, Alberto
Letteratura Popolare
Cultura Popolare
Gioberti, Vincenzo
Literature, popular (Popolar Literature)