Santarelli, Enzo

Gramsci ritrovato, 1937-1947

[Edited by and with an introduction by] E. Santarelli.
Catanzaro: Abramo editore, 1991, 314
The articles in this collection are listed as the following numbers in the Bibliografia gramsciana 1922-1988: Tasca (1937), Rosselli (1938), Togliatti (1937 & 1944), Grieco (1938), Montagnana (1942), Valiani (1944), Dorso (1925), Livi (1945), Rolland (1934 & 1946), Garuglieri (1946), Russo (1947), Miglioli (1947), Morra (1947), Debenedetti (1947), Croce (1947),Repaci (1947), Bo (1947), Albertini (1947), Muscetta (1947 & 1953), and Balbo (1947). The articles by Curiel (1944), Lussu (1947), Calosso (1947), and Libertini (1947), were not included in the Bibliografia gramsciana 1922-1988. Consult them now in this edition.
Lingua ita
Nomi [curatore] Santarelli, Enzo
Influenza 1937-47
Storiografia Gramsci
Influence 1937-1947
Historiography Gramsci
Ristampato da
Croce, Benedetto
Recensioni delle Lettere
pp. 269 - 271