Ishidô, Kiyotomo - Iida, Momo - Katagiri, Kaoru

Gramsci Alive Ikiteiru Guramushi

Botsugo 50 nen Kinen ronbunschû [Collection of Essays on the 50th Anniversary of Gramsci's Death]
[Edited by] Kiyotomo Ishidô, Momo Iida, Kaoru Katagiri.
Tokyo: Shakaihyôron-sha, 1988, 550
A collection of essays and articles. Those already published are accompanied by a date; the others are not: K. Katagiri (2), N. Kurosawa, K. Ishidô, M. Iida (1984, 1987, and new), F. Taguchi, K. Hirata (1987), R. Maeno (1988), N. Itô (1987), Y. Takeuchi, M. Itô, Tadashi Suzuki, T. Kogawa (1987), T. Ogura (1987), T. Shinmura, K. Shibayama (1988), S. Ueno (1987), S. Shimizu, Y. Koterayama, M. Shirakawa, A. Itô, N. Andô, M. Toda, N. Ishii, S. Hayama, K. Yokota, S. Mâruyama, K. Shirai, M. Nakajima, K. Itô (1987), M. Toda, Y. Shiokawa, K. Ida, M. Nakajima, M. Tanokura.
Lingua jpn
Nomi [curatore] Ishidô, Kiyotomo
[curatore] Iida, Momo
[curatore] Katagiri, Kaoru
Commemorazione 1987
Commemoration 1987