
Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers.

The collected edition of the three special issues of <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>
[Edinburgh: s.n., s.d., but 1974], 76; 116; 32
A combined edition of three numbers of the journal. Gramsci, and Gramsci II (without numbers), contains all the 218 Letters in the Einaudi collection of 1947, translated by H. Henderson, an essay in two parts by G.A. Williams, and the text of a song by P.Marotto, with a note by A.Munro. Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony (n. 27) includes the papers read to and discussed at the First National Day Conference on Gramsci, held in June 1974 at Edinburgh University: essays by S. White, A. Showstack Sassoon, G. Williams, V.G. Kiernan, C.K. Maisels.
Lingua eng
Nomi [author] **
Convegno 1974 Edinburgo
White, Stephen
Gramsci and Proletarian Power
n. 27: &lt;i&gt;Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony&lt;/i&gt;, 1-3
White, Stephen
Gramsci in Soviet Historiography
n. 27: &lt;i&gt;Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony&lt;/i&gt;, 15-19
Williams, Gwyn A.
Proletarian Forms: Gramsci, Councils, Communism. 1919-20: a documentary analysis
[vol.] &lt;i&gt;Gramsci II&lt;/i&gt;, 48-115
Williams, Gwyn A.
The Making and Unmaking of Antonio Gramsci
n. 27: &lt;i&gt;Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony&lt;/i&gt;, 7-15
Gobetti, Piero
Gramsci: A 1924 Profile
pp. 45 - 46
Kiernan, Victor G.
Gramsci and the Other Continents
pp. 19 - 24
Showstack Sassoon, Anne
Gramsci's Interpretation of Fascism
n. 27: &lt;i&gt;Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony&lt;/i&gt;, 4-7
Maisels, Charles Keith
Gramsci between Two Internationals
n. 27: &lt;i&gt;Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony&lt;/i&gt;, 25-29
Marotta, Peppino
Quadernos iscritos in d'una cella oscura
pp. [vol.:] &lt;i&gt;Gramsci&lt;/i&gt;, 1st e 2nd pages of the cover