Display 2801 - 2850 items on 3282
Williams, Gwyn A.
in Paolo Spriano, The Occupation of the Factories, Italy 1920, London: Pluto Press, 1975, pp. 7-18
Partito Socialista Italiano; Ordine Nuovo; Consigli Di Fabbrica; Post Wwi; Torino
Zvielli, Alexsander
in Jerusalem Post, October 3, 1975, 15
Fredrickson, George M.
in New York Review of Books, 1975, 1
Egemonia; Schiavitù
Gamble, Andrew
in The Listener, August 21, 1975, 252-53
Genovese, Eugene D.
in Agricoltural History, 1975, pp. 331 - 342
Agricultura; Schiavitù
Greenberg, Edward S.
in Social Science Quarterly, 1975, pp. 191 - 209
Consigli Di Fabbrica; Industria
Hay, Douglas
Edited by Douglas Hay et al.
in Albion's Fatal Tree: Crime and Society in Eighteenth-Century England, New York: Pantheon Books, 1975, pp. 17-64
Legge; Egemonia
Jacobitti, Edmund E.
in Journal of the History of Ideas, April-May, 1975, pp. 277 - 318
Croce, Benedetto; Labriola, Antonio; Marxismo Italiano
Joll, James
in The Observer, September 7, 1975
Keserich, Charles
in Journal of Contemporary History, October, 1975, pp. 579 - 589
Fascismo; Giornalismo
Patterson, Tim
in Science & Society, 1975, pp. 257 - 291
Salamini, Leonard
in Sociological Quarterly, Winter, 1975, pp. 65 - 86
Sociologia Marxista
Lukes, Stephen
London: Macmillan, 1975, 64
MacIntyre, Alastair
in New Statesman, August 29, 1975, 254-55
Nesti, Arnaldo
in Social Compass, 1975, pp. 343 - 354
Religione Populare; Cultura Popolare
Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey
in Radical Philosophy, 1975, pp. 23 - 25
Cavalcanti, Pedro - Piccone, Paul
Edited by P. Cavalcanti and P. Piccone.
in History, Philosophy and Culture in the Young Gramsci, Saint Louis, Mo.: Telos Press, 1975, pp. 1-5
Scritti Giovanili
Clark, Martin
in Times Literary Supplement, October 31, 1975, 1280
Deutscher, Tamara
in Times Literary Supplement, November 14, 1975, 1360
Lettera al CC del Pcus 1926
Femia, Joseph V.
in Political Studies, March, 1975, pp. 29 - 48
Egemonia; Teoria Politica, Generale; Struttura-Superstruttura; Intellettuali
Spriano, Paolo
Translation and introduction by Gwyn A. Williams.
London: Pluto Press, 1975, 212
Partito Socialista Italiano; Ordine Nuovo; Consigli Di Fabbrica; Post Wwi; Torino; Occupazione Delle Fabbriche
Gramsci, Antonio
Edited with an introduction by Pedro Cavalcanti and Paul Piccone
Saint Louis, Mo.: Telos Press, 1975, 158
Gramsci, Antonio
selected, translated from the italian, and introduced by Lynne Lawner
London: Cape, 1975, 292, photos
Young, James D.
in Canadian Journal of History, December, 1974, pp. 352 - 353
The collected edition of the three special issues of <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>
[Edinburgh: s.n., s.d., but 1974], 76; 116; 32
Convegno 1974 Edinburgo
Bates, Thomas R.
in Societas, Winter, 1974, pp. 39 - 54
Consigli Di Fabbrica; Ordine Nuovo, settimanale
Boggs, Carl
in Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 1974-75, pp. 171 - 187
Politica, Teoria Della; Consigli Di Fabbrica
Todd, Nigel
in Journal of the History of Ideas, January-March, 1974, pp. 148 - 156
Mao Tse Tung; Ideologia; Struttura-Superstruttura; Intellettuali
Varga, Anna
in The Campaigner, 1974, pp. 66 - 103
Occupazione Delle Fabbriche; Bordiga, Amadeo; Ordine Nuovo
White, Stephen
The collected edition of the three special issue of <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>
in Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers, [Edinburgh: s.n., 1974, n. 27: &lt;i&gt;Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony&lt;/i&gt;, 1-3
Consigli Di Fabbrica
White, Stephen
The collected edition of the three special issue of <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>
in Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers, [Edinburgh: s.n., s.d., but 1974], n. 27: &lt;i&gt;Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony&lt;/i&gt;, 15-19
Storiografia; All'Estero: Urss
Williams, Gwyn
in Times Literary Supplement, September 27, 1974, 1042
Clark, Martin
Williams, Gwyn A.
The collected edition of the three special issue of <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>
in Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers, [Edinburgh: s.n., s.d., but 1974], pp. 52 - 76
Consigli Di Fabbrica; Torino; Ordine Nuovo
Williams, Gwyn A.
The collected edition of the three special issue of <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>
in Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers, [Edinburgh: s.n., 1974, [vol.] &lt;i&gt;Gramsci II&lt;/i&gt;, 48-115
Consigli Di Fabbrica; Torino; Ordine Nuovo
Williams, Gwyn A.
The collected edition of the three special issue of <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>
in and Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers, [Edinburgh: s.n., 1974, n. 27: &lt;i&gt;Gramsci III: The struggle for hegemony&lt;/i&gt;, 7-15
Wohl, Robert
in American Historical Review, 1974, 183-85
Wolfe, Alan
in Politics and Society, 1974, pp. 131 - 159
Teoria politica marxista
Garner, Larry
Ph.D. Dissertation.
New York: Columbia University, 1974, 286 p.
Teoria politica marxista
Genovese, Eugene D.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1974, xxii, 823
Germino, Dante
in American Political Science Review, 1974, 1305
Davidson, Alastair
in Socialist Register, London: Merlin Press, 1974, pp. 125 - 150
Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i? Ul'janov, detto
in Win, 1974, 20
Gobetti, Piero
in Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers / The collected edition of the three special issue of New Edinburgh Review, [Edinburgh: s.n., s.d., but 1974], pp. 45 - 46
Testimonianze Generali
Hobsbawm, Eric J.
in New York Review of Books, April 4, 1974, 39-44
Kiernan, Victor G.
The Collected Edition of the three special issue of the <i>New Edinburgh Review</i>.
in Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers., [Edinburgh: s.n., s.d., but 1974], pp. 19 - 24
All'Estero: Terzo Mondo
Piccone, Paul
in Political Theory, Febraury, 1974, pp. 32 - 45
Piccone, Paul
in Telos, Winter, 1974-75, 171-74
Salach, D.L.
[Columbia, Missouri]
in Sociological Quarterly, 1974, pp. 38 - 50