Gobetti, Piero

Gramsci: A 1924 Profile

is part of Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers / The collected edition of the three special issue of New Edinburgh Review , II , [Edinburgh : s.n. , s.d., but 1974] , pp. 45 - 46
Translated by Hamish Henderson and Tom Nairn. Reprinted in Gramsci's Prison Letters (1988), pp. 25-28. Reprinted in a special insert on Antonio Gramsci of weekly magazine of politics and culture "La Rinascita della sinistra" with the title "Il deputato" (March 24, 2000)
Language eng
Names [author] Gobetti, Piero
[traduttore] Henderson, Hamish
[traduttore] Nairn, Tom
Testimonianze Generali
Memoirs general
Traduzione di
Gramsci , s.d., but 1974]--*--April 22, 1924--*--March 24, 2000
Ristampa di

Roma, Partito dei Comunisti Italiani, March 24, 2000