Display 1 - 4 items on 4
Nairn, Tom
Edited by Anne Showstack Sassoon.
in Approaches to Gramsci, London: Writers and Readers, 1982, pp. 159-79
Sardegna; Risorgimento; Mezzogiorno; Machiavelli, Niccolò; Eurocomunismo
Nairn, Tom
in London Review of Books, 1980
Eurocomunismo; Gramscismo
Gobetti, Piero
in Antonio Gramsci: Letters from Prison: Political History and Conference Papers / The collected edition of the three special issue of New Edinburgh Review, [Edinburgh: s.n., s.d., but 1974], pp. 45 - 46
Testimonianze Generali
Nairn, Tom
in Il Contemporaneo, August-September, 1963, pp. 120 - 141
All'Estero: Gran Bretagna