Viviani, Roberto

The Productivity of Power: An Interweaving of Gramscian Ideology and Foucauldian Truth

is part of Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power , III , 1 , 2023 , pp. 148 - 175
Financial capitalism alongside hyper-technologisation have severely reduced critical thought and creativity, thus producing a lack of political spaces and agency. There is now a critical need to create alternative relations and forms of labour. This article proposes to examine the crisis of political subjectivity through a cross-reading of Antonio Gramsci and Michel Foucault. For both authors, power is to be conceived not as a static entity but rather as a force in motion: a verb, as the French ‘pouvoir'. By analysing the concept of ideology in Gramsci and the one of truth in Foucault I will show how those terms open space for generative praxes, or creative actions. For these authors, societies develop from the constant stream of relations. Whether power or class relations, dynamism remains the key. Recognising the mobility of power allows praxis to continuously fulfil itself and thus to constantly produce new meanings. This may offer renewed possibilities for political agency.
Language eng
Names [autore] Viviani, Roberto