Ragazzini, Dario

Sobre a antropologia de Antonio Gramsci

is part of Revista HISTEDBR , 2 , Campinas , 2017 , pp. 410 - 418
This article recalls the debate concerning the conception of man developed by Antonio Gramsci in his Prison Notebooks. For this purpose, the note 54 of the Notebook 10 is recalled, entitled Introduction to the study of Philosophy. What is Man?to analyze the interpretative reasoning on Gramscian anthropology, which was presented in the book Theory of personality in the mass society: Gramsci's contribution. Supported by the Prefaceof 1859 -To the Critique of Political Economy -by Marx, the conception of man in Gramsci provides a sound foundation to a theory of personality which includes the constitution of the individual as resulting from the materiality of the processes and from human relationships.
Language por
Names [autore] Ragazzini, Dario
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Quaderno 10
Prison Notebook 10