Chiarotto, Francesca - Pellerino, Guglielmo

Gramsciana: Rivista di studi internazionali su Antonio Gramsci

is part of Gramsci Journals; Gramsci in Brazil; Mussolini Reader of the Note-books; Essay by the Young Gramsci; Reviews: France and Latin America , 5 , 1 , Wollongong : University of Wollongong , 2023 , pp. 9 - 13
This is the Abstract of the description in Italian by Francesca Chiarotto and Guglielmo Pellerino of the review Gramsciana: Rivista di studi internazionali su Antonio Gramsci PDF available at
Language ita
Names [autore] Chiarotto, Francesca
[autore] Pellerino, Guglielmo