Bellamy, Richard

Croce, Gramsci, Bobbio and the Italian Political Tradition

Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013, 340
This book gathers together fifteen classic essays by leading scholar Richard Bellamy, tracing the history of Italian political thought from Beccaria to Bobbio. Written over the past 25 years, they constitute the first account in English of the modern Italian political tradition. The author pays special attention to the different ways Italian theorists have linked politics and ethics, and their various conceptions of the state and of democracy. The resulting variations on Machiavellian themes gave rise to distinctively Italian understandings of Liberalism, Marxism, Fascism and Socialism, which were all associated with a peculiarly realist account of democracy. Among the thinkers discussed are Cesare Beccaria, Antonio Genovesi, Giuseppe Mazzini, Benedetto Croce, Giovanni Gentile, Antonio Gramsci, Vilfredo Pareto, Gaetano Mosca and Norberto Bobbio.
Language eng
Names [autore] Bellamy, Richard
Teoria Politica, Generale
Croce, Benedetto
Bobbio, Norberto
Political Theory, general
Croce, Benedetto
Bobbio, Norberto