Atzeni, Maurizio

Collective Identity, the State and Politics: Understanding Working-class Organisations in Today's Argentina

is part of Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power , 2 , 1 , Leiden : Brill , 2022 , pp. 81 - 88
An analysis of the current state and political horizons of working-class organisations in Argentina can be developed along two intersecting lines. In the first, we have trade unions representing workers in the formal sector, which accounts for about half of the country's working population. In the second, we have social movements, based in both the urban and rural space, representing poor and informal workers. These two lines often run parallel to one another but also intersect and merge at different points following the cycles of capital accumulation and crisis typical of a peripheral country.
Language eng
Names [author] Atzeni, Maurizio
Classe Operaia
Working class
Trade unions