Melo, Demian Bezerra de

Antonio Gramsci, Palmiro Togliatti e o consenso sob o fascismo

is part of Revista Outubro , 26 , 2016 , pp. 115 - 144
Since the 1970s the historiography of fascism has investigated the issue of the consensus reached by the regimes established in Italy and Germany in the interwar period. Renzo De Felice is considered the author who introduced this theme in one of the volumes of his biography of Mussolini. The purpose of this article is to discuss how, prior to this author, the Italian communist leaders Antonio Gramsci and Palmiro Togliatti had discussed fascism's capability to produce consensus, using especially Gramsci's Prison Notebooks and the course taught by Togliatti in Moscow in 1935.
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Names [author] Melo, Demian Bezerra de
Togliatti, Palmiro
Togliatti, Palmiro