瞿秋⽩的⼤众⽂艺论与葛兰西的⽂化霸权思想 Qu Qiubai de dazhong wenyi lun yu Gelanxi de wenhua baquan sixiang [Qu Qiubai's theory of popular literature and Gramsci's cultural hegemony]

In his expositions on literary and artistic popularization in the 1930's, Qu Qiubai put forward sharply an issue about leadership power of ideology. This idea was quite similar with the then Italian communist leader Gramsci's thought of "cultural hegemony". They both laid great emphasis upon the important role of ideology on politics.
Language zho
Names [] Wang Tiexian
Qu Qiubai
Egemonia culturale
Cultura Popolare
Qu Qiubai
Cultural Hegemony
Popular culture