Pan Xihua

在"运动的平衡"中建设有机政党: 葛兰西对无产阶级政党文化建设的独特贡献 Zai ‘Yundong de pingheng' zhong jianshe youji zhengdang: Gelanxi dui whuchan jieji zhengdang wenhua jianshe de dute gongxian [Building an organic party through the "balance of relations": Gramsci's unique contribution to the construction of proletarian party culture]

is part of Expanding horizons , 6 , 2014 , pp. 32 - 35
Gramsci left a rich heirloom in party theory. ‘Organic dialectics' represents the core of our heritage in this field. Our enquiry takes cultural hegemony in conjunction with societal relations to analyze how balance could be achieved intra- and extra- party. (Giuseppe Ginepro)
Language zho
Names [author] Pan Xihua
Cultura Proletaria
Proletarian Culture