Rothen, José Carlos - Reis, Egberto

Gramsci, as revistas, o intelectual e a educação

is part of Educação em Revista , 34 , 2018 , [18 p.]
In this article we discuss how Gramsci understood periodic publications' important role, especially the magazines as a diffusing form of a new conception of the world in the life of the working class and people in general. So the publications can achieve their goals, it is necessary to establish the educational principle, in which organic intellectuals and society's subordinates establish a knowledge exchange. Thus, we find that educational exchange takes place within the magazines, as occurred with the publications L'Ordine Nuovo and Il Grido. In this way, according to Gramsci, the magazines were decisive so that the workers of their time could understand reality itself and the mechanisms of exploitation of the ruling class. From this, the so-called positional warfare is established. In other words, the battles that happen in magazines and in civil society in search of hegemony and consequently of intellectual and moral reform.
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Names [author] Rothen, José Carlos
[author] Reis, Egberto