Alemán Benítez, Pável

Una mirada a las relaciones internacionales contemporáneas desde la teoría

is part of Universidad de La Habana , 287 , La Habana , 2019 , pp. 311 - 320
The validity of the application of Marxist theory in the perspective of Gramsci to analyze and understand the functioning of the system of international relations is frequently debated in the academic world of international studies. The first objective of the work is to demonstrate that effectively, understanding Marxism and its different theoretical references (Marxisms) as a tool of analysis to interpret social reality, Gramsci's thought serves as a bridge to connect it with different theoretical schools of international relations. A second objective is to focus the analysis on the question of the polarity of international relations, since the correlation of forces and the power they project has been expressed through the construction of «poles». It is also emphasized in other theoretical approaches such as that of Thomas P.M. Barnett, who defines the World in two subsystems: the «core» of the capitalist system and the «gap» located in its periphery, the opposite of Samir's Amin disconnection theory.
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Names [author] Alemán Benítez, Pável