Starcenbaum, Marcelo

Christine Buci-Glucksmann y la interferencia althusseriana en la recepción francesa de Gramsci

is part of Signos Filosófico , 22 , 44 , Ciudad de México , 2020 , pp. 108 - 137
Between the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s, an outstanding process of reception of Gramsci's work took place in France. In the context of the transformations of the French left, of the crisis of the experience of real socialism and of processes of renewal in Marxist theory, Gramsci's texts were received as the expression of a theory for the revolution in the West. In this article I will concentrate on the importance that Althusserian Marxism had in this renewed interpretation of Gramsci's work. For this I will analyze one of the fundamental books in this phenomenon of relocation of the texts and the figure of the Italian Marxist: Gramsci and the State of Christine Buci-Glucksmann.
Language spa
Names [author] Starcenbaum, Marcelo