Douet, Yohann

L'Histoire et la question de la modernité chez Antonio Gramsci

Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2022, 340 p.
While the very possibility of a philosophy of history has been widely questioned, this book shows that Antonio Gramsci's open Marxism gives it new life, away from all dogmatism. Gramsci seeks to conceive the historical process in its consistency while giving a central role to human agency and struggles, thanks to notions such as praxis, hegemony and relations of force. His determination to understand both the coherence and the complexity of European modernity leads him to trace its development from its origins to the organic crisis it was undergoing in his time, from the Renaissance and the Reformation to Americanism, Fascism and Soviet socialism, via the French Revolution and the Risorgimento.
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Language fra
Names [author] Douet, Yohann