Pastore , Gerardo

Antonio Gramsci e Zygmunt Bauman.

Note per una riflessione su Marxismo antidogmatico e sociologia dell'emancipazione
is part of Zygmunt Bauman sociologo della modernità / a cura di Carlo Bordoni ; [con scritti di] Zygmunt Bauman ... [et al.] , Milano ; Udine : Mimesis , 2020 , pp. 273 - 286
This contribution aims to reconstruct the Gramsci's influence in the works of Zygmunt Bauman. From this starting point, it examines the critical reworking of Marxism carried out by the two scholars, who are strongly refractory to any form of the rigidity concerning Marxist positions and attentive to grasping the profound contradictions of the social dynamics. In the reading of social processes, the intensely problematic, sometimes dramatic, human factor penetrates everywhere and provides Gramsci with an anti-dogmatic attitude that can be placed at the base of a sociological perspective "committed" in which the option for social justice and the emancipation of subordinate groups are essential political actions. Bauman takes this orientation, it does so precisely in the framework of a tireless "ethical activism" and in the definition of ever new challenges for humanity. Following the red thread that connects Bauman to Gramsci configures as a useful analytical exercise, that it is of particular value for a renewed and unconventional critical sociology of emancipation.
Language ita
Names [autore] Pastore , Gerardo
Bauman, Zygmunt
Bauman, Zygmunt