Sclocco, Camilla

Antonio Gramsci e le scienze sperimentali

is part of Consecutio Rerum. Rivista critica della Postmodernità , 6 , 10 , luglio 2021 , pp. 123 - 162

The article reconstructs the conception of experimental sciences elaborated by Gramsci in Prison Notebooks, by means of the diachronic and historicist criteria laid out by the new season of Gramscian studies opened by the activities of the National Edition of Gramsci's works

Language ita
Names [author] Sclocco, Camilla
Filosofia della Praxis
Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i� Ul'janov, detto
Bordiga, Amadeo
Croce, Benedetto
Philosophy of praxis
Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i� Ul'janov, detto
Bordiga, Amadeo
Croce, Benedetto